All is well

Pretty well, anyway. I just wanted to post a quick update on the sailboat that ran aground yesterday up here in Port Hadlock. As of this morning, it’s back afloat again, a little battered, but still above water. It looked like the rig was a little torn up… I think I saw a spreader hanging loose and one of the halyards looked to be pressed into service as a temporary stay, but apart from that nothing major looked amiss.

The engine, however, apparently didn’t survive completely intact. The owner, in a lovely little wooden skiff, ended up towing the boat under oar-power alone back to safer moorings further north. At least it was a nice morning for it. I felt bad, again, that I didn’t have some way to get out there and lend a hand. I am sure someone to spell him at the sweeps would not have gone amiss.

Towing a sailboat under oar-power on a calm morning
Row, row, row your boat

Considering the wind and the wave action at the shoreline, however, I think a long row after a hard night was probably a pretty good outcome. A few meters further east and the boat would have been into the rocks; had it landed broadside or not stuck the keel down into the sand so firmly, it might have rolled and bashed the rig on the seawall further up the beach. It always amazes me what boats can survive in contrast to what might happen to them instead. It’s an expensive hobby but a pretty safe one, all told.

One Reply to “All is well”

  1. Thanks for the post – my lovely little boat is sitting in that wonderful marina — waiting for summer to get here…. The tide changes there can be fierce and more than one boat has gottten too close to that shoreline. Hope Jerry and crew are doing well!

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